You Can Survive....and Thrive Again

Crushing Interest

Severely Past Due Bills

Collection Activity

I created this site originally for myself to deal with being in debt and having payments majorly overdue. But, most importantly, how to get back on track.

Being in massive debt can be life changing to say the least. It can take years to accumulate, but then seem to suddenly be larger than you can wrap your head around. It can ruin your life and relationships. Even as far as friendhips. And, this is the lonliest road you'll ever travel. I mean, who really wants to talk about this. Your friends and family all seem to be doing fine, why is it just me that has this issue?

No matter how you got here, it doesn't help to avoid or hope it will resolve itself. It will take a lot of time and effort, but fixing this can be done.
Having out-of-control debt can an ugly situation as creditors use having debt as a reason to charge you MORE interest driving you DEEPER into debt. If you start to miss payments on your debt, there are some troubling consequences. Of course, you can't get loans for necessitites like home purchases or car loans. But, there is a very ugly and unfair underbelly to all of this as well.

It has become nearly impossible to get required car insurance with bad credit...Regardless of your driving record!? And what about credit checks for jobs?! Wow! The banks have really made sure you are treated as an outcast if you fall out of line.

I am not including this to make you feel worse or gripe, it's just the current reality of how necessary it is to get this fixed.
What this site is This site is designed to help you design and execute a do it yourself debt battle plan. Whether your goal is to help get your finances in line, consolidate, or even settle past due debt to get off your credit once and for all.

It serves as an organizer, a way for your to respond to your creditors,a social networking forum to share ideas on what works and talk about the scarier situations on your way to smashing your debt... and even resources to help you in your journey back to sanity.
What this site is not This site is not going to bash creditors or banks no matter what our feelings are on their policies and practices. Let's start with healing step number one....This is YOUR fault. You're the one who took out the loans and you're the one who signed on the dotted line. If you are talking to an attorney, agency, or any other organization that treats you like a victim; be very wary, because you really are about to become a victim.

This is not a place for financial "consultants" or "coaches" to harrass you and try and sell you their snake oil cure. There is NO EASY PATH out of this, but it can be done. You can be at peace again.